Offering coupons is a great way to encourage customers to write a review and share their experiences. It also helps turn a first-time buyer into a return customer.
CREMA helps you to generate and send these coupons easily in a click.
- You need to verify your sender email address prior to sending reward coupon via email.
- Estimated reward amount will be calculated based on the reward conditions that you set in Reward settings. However, you need to rewards coupons in Reviews&rewards menu. You can also edit the reward amount manually.
In this article
- Navigation to Rewards dashboard
- Reward coupons
- Manage rewarded coupons (give additional coupons / cancel coupons)
Navigation to Rewards dashboard
You can access Rewards dashboard from Review management → Reviews&rewards tab.
- Estimated reward amount of each review which is calculated based on reward conditions will be shown in orange color.
- Rewarded amount for each review will be shown in grey color.
Rewards log and reason for rewarding will be shown on hover.
Reward coupons
To reward coupon to a single review
- Next to the review you want to reward coupon, click Reward : {amount} button (in orange color).
- Click Reward coupon to reward the estimated coupon amount which is calculated based on your reward conditions.
- You can edit the coupon amount manually by clicking Edit coupon amount, then click Reward coupon.
- An email containing the coupon code will be sent to the reviewer.
To reward coupons to multiple reviews in bulk
- Once you have selected more than 1 review in the dashboard, click Reward coupon.
- You can reward the estimated coupon amount of each review or input the amount manually, then click Reward coupon.
⌘ Estimated coupon amount is calculated based on the reward conditions.
Cancel rewarded coupons
You can cancel rewarded coupons from a review.
- Next to the review you want to manage, click {amount} rewarded button (in grey color)
- Click Cancel coupon to cancel given reward.